DI Boxes

Do you need a DI Box?

Need to connect your electric guitar, electric piano, or electric bass to your mixing console’s mic input? If so, a DI Box is just what you’re looking for. For example, when using an electric bass or acoustic guitar a DI is usually preferred to using a microphone on an amplifier. This is because these instruments are often valued in a mix for being clean.

A Direct Injection (DI) unit converts unbalanced, high-impedance signals into balanced, low-impedance signals. This allows you to insert an instrument signal directly into a preamp, mixer, or recorder at the right impedance for cleaner sounds and lower noise.

Which DI Box do you need?

The advanced signal routing capabilities and higher headroom make Active DI boxes excellent choices for electric guitars, keyboards, and instruments with active pickups. If you have a passive instrument, with no preamp inside it, an Active DI box should be utilized.

DI boxes can be used to take a line in from an electric guitar and won’t pick up the background noise that a microphone will.

Passive DI boxes mostly use a balun audio transformer to convert impedance, electrically separate windings in the input and output stages isolate ground-level voltages and eliminate ground loops.

Simple, durable, and reliable, they only contain a transformer and a few resistors and remove the existing static from your sound. The simple circuitry easily isolates the signal from your instrument and converts it into XLR, with no noise added. The longevity of Passive DI boxes is incredible, and you can guarantee that they won’t let you down when you need them.

You’ll never have to worry about battery life as they use the power from your instrument, no matter the length of your cord. As they don’t require power to operate, they attenuate signals instead of amplifying them.